2024 Primary Election Voter Guide for Alameda County & Oakland

What’s at Stake in the 2024 Primary Election?
We deserve an Alameda County that is a healthy and safe home where we can all thrive. What we need now more than ever is progressive leadership committed to transforming our county and finding creative community-based solutions to issues that plague our communities. We need deep reinvestments in the things that keep us and our neighbors safe: affordable housing, livable wages, education, healthcare, and mental health services.
This upcoming election gives us the opportunity to elect leaders who will best represent the needs and the residents of our communities. On the ballot this primary election, are candidates and measures that promise to bring public funds back to our communities, as well as transparency and accountability to Alameda County residents. Voting down the ballot helps secure funding and services for our county for the next years to come. It’s time to shift power back to voters!
Alameda County Board of Supervisors District 1, 2, 4 & 5 Race
The Board of Supervisors is responsible for:
- providing policy direction,
- approving the county budget, and
- representing the county in a number of areas including its special districts.
Our current Board of Supervisors have a track record of giving vast amounts of funds to the sheriff who criminalizes our communities while denying funding the structures that keep us safe – healthcare, affordable housing, jobs with thriving wages, and mental health support. This election offers a big opportunity to change how our public money is distributed by the Board of Supervisors.
570 14th Street, Suite 1
Oakland, CA 94612
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