
How police department plays large role in Oakland’s $93 million budget deficit
“Paying officers $4, $5, $600,000 a piece and trying to maintain a force of 700 officers around that price tag, is not feasible. It’s not possible,” Burch said. “There needs to be a change. We are looking to elected officials to have the courage to address what we have known for years: That there is a big, big problem when it comes to police spending.”

Oaklandside: How Money Corrupts Oakland Politics Without Anyone Breaking the Law
“Between 2014 and 2018, half of the contributions to Oakland candidates came from people living outside of Oakland. Of the money that comes from within Oakland, donors are concentrated in Oakland’s wealthiest and whitest zip codes. Less than 1% of Oakland residents overall contribute money to local candidates running for local offices. “

SF CHRONICLE: Dueling groups decry huge Oakland deficit as efforts to close the gap heat up
“We recognize the historic deficit we are facing is a result of structural problems in how the city of Oakland collects and allocates revenue,” said Isaiah Toney, a leader of the group. “We urge our city leaders to look at long-term solutions that ensure corporations are paying their fair share to support the critical services that we all depend on.”

IVN News: Funding Problems Plague Oakland’s New ‘Democracy Dollars’ Program
Oakland Rising has called on city officials to include the new staffing for the Public Ethics Commission in their mid-cycle budget adjustments so that work can begin in 2025 for 2026 implementation.

NBC Bay Area: Alameda County supervisors vote to have DA Price’s recall election in November
The Alameda County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to have the recall election for District Attorney Pamela Price in November.

ABC 7 News: CA Supreme Court ruling will change how police interact with public when stopping, questioning
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A new ruling by the California Supreme Court may change how police interact with the public. Community groups say it's an important step to prevent over-policing. But some police unions say it's going...

Supporters of DA Price Urge Alameda County Supervisors Not To Schedule Recall Election
A group of Alameda County residents and community leaders held a rally in Oakland to support District Attorney Pamela Price and urge the county’s Board of Supervisors not to schedule a special election for her recall. The gathering this past Friday comes on the heels...

Plan For Youth Vote In Oakland, Berkeley School Board Elections Moves Forward
After years of delays, 16- and 17-year-olds in Oakland and Berkeley will finally get a chance to vote in school board elections. With an eye toward the upcoming November general election, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to approve a $113,000... Community Advocates Stand in Solidarity with District Attorney Pamela Price’s Decision Not to Charge Children as Adults
“We are standing here today because we believe in the rehabilitation of young folks. We are standing here today because we believe it is important to continue to urge our district attorney to fulfill her commitment, to fulfill her campaign promise to try juveniles in juvenile court and to end the overcriminalization of our young folks.” – Pecolia Manigo, Executive Director

Oakland, CA – The Alameda County District Attorney Accountability Table (ACDAAT) grieves with the family of Jazy and Angel Sotelo Garcia and expresses our deepest sympathies for the untimely death of these beloved brothers. This case is one that has shaken our community, and our coalition’s mission will always be to prevent trauma associated with breaches of public safety.

Letter to Presiding Judge Smiley on Alameda County’s Eviction Crisis
November 7, 2023 Hon. Charles A. Smiley III, Presiding JudgeDepartment 1Alameda Superior CourtRene C. Davison Courthouse1225 Fallon StreetOakland, CA 94612 Dear Presiding Judge Smiley: As tenant organizations and legal services providers, we write because of concerns...

Press Release: Oakland City Council Passes Urgently-Needed Public Financing Reform
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, November 8 MEDIA CONTACT: Jocelyn Cansino 510-712-4339 Oakland City Council Passes Urgently-Needed Public Financing Reform Tuesday night, the Oakland City Council took important steps forward to phase in the...

SFCHRONICLE.COM: Progressives under attack from right — and left
For more than 25 years, Liz Suk, executive director of Oakland Rising and Oakland Rising Action, has worked as a nonprofit leader and grassroots organizer focused on addressing issues facing Black, brown and Indigenous people. “Progressive” became popular decades ago...

OAKLANDNORTH.NET: Delay in giving out Democracy Dollars points to bigger issues in Oakland government
Pecolia Manigo believes her ultimate hope for Oakland — what she calls “equitable democracy” — is attainable. For evidence, she points to her own experience: Manigo was unemployed when she moved to Oakland with her infant daughter two decades ago. Now she’s the...

Letter to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and Registrar of Voters Regarding the Recall
We represent a group of organizations in Alameda County and broadly in California, all actively engaged in voter education and outreach. We are concerned about the current confusion surrounding the process for recall of a County elected official. We hope that the Board will act decisively to ensure that the Alameda County community has clear information about the process and timing for any potential recall.

The Oaklandside: Oakland’s Democracy Dollars delayed, but not dead
Pecolia Manigo, policy director for the political advocacy group Oakland Rising, said she learned firsthand the potential benefits of a strong public campaign financing option when she ran for a seat on the Oakland School Board last year. Manigo said...

KQED: Organizers Ask City Council to Fund Democracy Dollars
“If we don’t have programs that really look at good governance in our city, we’ll be continually faced with the same prioritization that moves us away from community services that build safer communities for our people.” – liz suk

SLUDGE.COM: Oakland Community Groups Call to Fund ‘Democracy Dollars’ Program
“We know that we’re in a city up against some major issues like housing and homelessness. The streets and infrastructure in the city haven’t been taken care of by previous administrations. In order to have those in place, we need elected officials in office who are really willing to listen to the community, and democracy dollars was going to be the program that would help us.”

Oakland Community Leaders Unite in Support of a “People’s Budget” That Invests in Real Community Safety
Broad “People’s Budget” coalition demands investment in housing, arts, jobs, youth programs, and violence prevention instead of proposed increase in police spending. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACTS: Lance Wilson, (341) 203-0888, ...

Social Justice coalition commends DA Price for progress on the People’s 100-day Agenda
“This is the boldest policy in the country that seeks to end excessive punishment and incarceration. Research has shown time and again that prolonged incarceration does not improve public safety, and actually increases recidivism. This policy seeks to end racist sentencing enhancements that have been applied almost exclusively to Black and Brown people” ” said Yoel Haile, Director of the Criminal Justice Program at the ACLU of Northern California.

Attacks on DA Price unfounded, attempts by police and media to engage in a disinformation campaign is action against the people’s referendum on status quo
As communities most impacted by violence and incarceration, we deeply feel the pain of losing loved ones and extend our deepest sympathies to the families of these recent tragedies. All stakeholders should be working hard to provide the victim’s families with the services and support they need and work to prevent tragedies like these from happening again to other families. Pro-Tenant Groups, Landlords Mobilize Over City Eviction Moratorium: Oakland City Council prepares timeline to phase out eviction protections
Defending the moratorium or calling for its gradual phasing out were several pro-tenant organizations. Oakland Rising put out a call on social media for tenant supporters to attend the council meeting to speak in favor of renter protections. “It’s time to...

Civil Rights Groups Heartbroken and Enraged at Fourth Life Lost at Santa Rita Jail in Six weeks
“We know, and it has been proven, that throwing more money and resources at Santa Rita Jail and ACSO is not a solution. The only solution is to divest from the ACSO and SRJ and put those resources back into the community. People deserve to be met with social services, affirming care, and support.”

KTVU.COM: 4th person to die at Santa Rita Jail in 6 weeks
“We are heartbroken and enraged to hear of yet another death related to Santa Rita Jail, the deadliest place in Alameda County,” the groups said in a statement. “For years, advocates have called out the level of abuse, neglect, death, and cruel punishment inside Santa Rita Jail. We have stood alongside families who have lost loved ones at the hands of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office and called for transparency, diversion, and accountability — yet these calls have been met with silence.”

Civil Rights Groups Applaud Alameda County District Attorney’s Directive to Limit Use of Sentence Enhancements
“Sentence enhancements shift local & state funds away from desperately needed community services and put significant financial burdens on taxpayers and families statewide—each additional year in prison costs over $106,131 per person. The Alameda County District Attorney’s guidance will save the county money and allow for reinvestments in community resources, housing, education, healthcare, and more.”

Press Release: Statement Condemns Attacks on Local Leaders
An alliance of community, faith, housing, labor and Progressive Black leaders issued a statement supporting Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao’s decision to part ways with embattled Police Chief Leronne Armstrong. The statement cited a need to move past the “long shadow of Federal Oversight, scandal and cover up” that has plagued the Oakland Police Department “into an era of accountability and transparency.”

Criminal Justice Advocates commend DA Price for keeping campaign promises, signal more needs to be done
Oakland, CA – District Attorney Pamela Price’s administration announced the creation of the Public Accountability Unit, and that they would reopen cases of eight officer-involved shootings and in-custody deaths for further review to determine whether charges should be filed or not. These include the murders of Cody Chavez in 2022, Mario Gonzalez in 2021, Agustin Gonsalez in 2018 and Andrew Moppin-Buckskin in 2007.

SLUDGE.COM: Oakland Voters Approve ‘Democracy Dollars’ Program to Boost Participation in City Elections
An Oakland ballot measure creating a public campaign financing option and strengthening transparency in election spending passed with strong support. “For too long, our elections have been funded by wealthy special interests and out-of-state donors,” said liz suk,...

SF Chronicle: This under-the-radar measure passed by voters could reshape Oakland elections
“It has increased participation in lesser areas in Seattle, and voter turnout from communities of color” and in traditionally low-turnout areas, said Liz Suk, executive director of Oakland Rising, one of the groups that sponsored Measure W. “The way folks are campaigning has changed.”

Hard Knock Radio: MIDTERM ELECTION RESULTS – Davey D with Guest liz suk
Davey D talks with liz suk of Oakland Rising about the results of the Oakland election and how to hold those coming into office accountable. Listen to the conversation.

Voters overwhelmingly approved Measure W in Oakland today, signaling a desire for a more participatory, responsive, and accountable local democracy. With anti-democratic forces on the march around the nation, Oakland is pushing back. Measure W creates a Democracy Dollars program to revolutionize campaign financing for local elections. It will enable all eligible Oaklanders to receive four $25 vouchers to support local political candidates of their choice, making every household a potential donor household and bringing power back to the people.

Statement on Measure T from Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas & the Invest In Our Oakland Coalition
With the passage of Measure T, we’ve taken a significant step towards addressing this lack of investment and creating equity for small businesses.

An Oakland Ballot Initiative That Could Inspire The Nation
“Measure W is a way that local leaders and local organizations – like CA Common Cause and Oakland Rising – can begin to show people that leadership begins at the grassroots level. We are going to build a better democracy in our city and we’re going to build from there.”
Oakland Measure W: The Fair Elections Act
A recent survey of potential voters found that many Oakland residents don’t donate to local campaigns because they simply can’t afford it. And in 2014 and 2016, 93% of election contributions came from less than 1% of the city’s population. That’s according to the equity organization Oakland Rising, which is one of the supporters of Measure W.

74% of registered voters favor the transparency and good governance ballot measure.

How police department plays large role in Oakland’s $93 million budget deficit
“Paying officers $4, $5, $600,000 a piece and trying to maintain a force of 700 officers around that price tag, is not feasible. It’s not possible,” Burch said. “There needs to be a change. We are looking to elected officials to have the courage to address what we have known for years: That there is a big, big problem when it comes to police spending.”

Oaklandside: How Money Corrupts Oakland Politics Without Anyone Breaking the Law
“Between 2014 and 2018, half of the contributions to Oakland candidates came from people living outside of Oakland. Of the money that comes from within Oakland, donors are concentrated in Oakland’s wealthiest and whitest zip codes. Less than 1% of Oakland residents overall contribute money to local candidates running for local offices. “

SF CHRONICLE: Dueling groups decry huge Oakland deficit as efforts to close the gap heat up
“We recognize the historic deficit we are facing is a result of structural problems in how the city of Oakland collects and allocates revenue,” said Isaiah Toney, a leader of the group. “We urge our city leaders to look at long-term solutions that ensure corporations are paying their fair share to support the critical services that we all depend on.”

IVN News: Funding Problems Plague Oakland’s New ‘Democracy Dollars’ Program
Oakland Rising has called on city officials to include the new staffing for the Public Ethics Commission in their mid-cycle budget adjustments so that work can begin in 2025 for 2026 implementation.

NBC Bay Area: Alameda County supervisors vote to have DA Price’s recall election in November
The Alameda County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to have the recall election for District Attorney Pamela Price in November.

ABC 7 News: CA Supreme Court ruling will change how police interact with public when stopping, questioning
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A new ruling by the California Supreme Court may change how police interact with the public. Community groups say it's an important step to prevent over-policing. But some police unions say it's going...

Supporters of DA Price Urge Alameda County Supervisors Not To Schedule Recall Election
A group of Alameda County residents and community leaders held a rally in Oakland to support District Attorney Pamela Price and urge the county’s Board of Supervisors not to schedule a special election for her recall. The gathering this past Friday comes on the heels...

Plan For Youth Vote In Oakland, Berkeley School Board Elections Moves Forward
After years of delays, 16- and 17-year-olds in Oakland and Berkeley will finally get a chance to vote in school board elections. With an eye toward the upcoming November general election, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to approve a $113,000... Community Advocates Stand in Solidarity with District Attorney Pamela Price’s Decision Not to Charge Children as Adults
“We are standing here today because we believe in the rehabilitation of young folks. We are standing here today because we believe it is important to continue to urge our district attorney to fulfill her commitment, to fulfill her campaign promise to try juveniles in juvenile court and to end the overcriminalization of our young folks.” – Pecolia Manigo, Executive Director

Oakland, CA – The Alameda County District Attorney Accountability Table (ACDAAT) grieves with the family of Jazy and Angel Sotelo Garcia and expresses our deepest sympathies for the untimely death of these beloved brothers. This case is one that has shaken our community, and our coalition’s mission will always be to prevent trauma associated with breaches of public safety.

Letter to Presiding Judge Smiley on Alameda County’s Eviction Crisis
November 7, 2023 Hon. Charles A. Smiley III, Presiding JudgeDepartment 1Alameda Superior CourtRene C. Davison Courthouse1225 Fallon StreetOakland, CA 94612 Dear Presiding Judge Smiley: As tenant organizations and legal services providers, we write because of concerns...

Press Release: Oakland City Council Passes Urgently-Needed Public Financing Reform
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, November 8 MEDIA CONTACT: Jocelyn Cansino 510-712-4339 Oakland City Council Passes Urgently-Needed Public Financing Reform Tuesday night, the Oakland City Council took important steps forward to phase in the...

SFCHRONICLE.COM: Progressives under attack from right — and left
For more than 25 years, Liz Suk, executive director of Oakland Rising and Oakland Rising Action, has worked as a nonprofit leader and grassroots organizer focused on addressing issues facing Black, brown and Indigenous people. “Progressive” became popular decades ago...

OAKLANDNORTH.NET: Delay in giving out Democracy Dollars points to bigger issues in Oakland government
Pecolia Manigo believes her ultimate hope for Oakland — what she calls “equitable democracy” — is attainable. For evidence, she points to her own experience: Manigo was unemployed when she moved to Oakland with her infant daughter two decades ago. Now she’s the...

Letter to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and Registrar of Voters Regarding the Recall
We represent a group of organizations in Alameda County and broadly in California, all actively engaged in voter education and outreach. We are concerned about the current confusion surrounding the process for recall of a County elected official. We hope that the Board will act decisively to ensure that the Alameda County community has clear information about the process and timing for any potential recall.

The Oaklandside: Oakland’s Democracy Dollars delayed, but not dead
Pecolia Manigo, policy director for the political advocacy group Oakland Rising, said she learned firsthand the potential benefits of a strong public campaign financing option when she ran for a seat on the Oakland School Board last year. Manigo said...

KQED: Organizers Ask City Council to Fund Democracy Dollars
“If we don’t have programs that really look at good governance in our city, we’ll be continually faced with the same prioritization that moves us away from community services that build safer communities for our people.” – liz suk

SLUDGE.COM: Oakland Community Groups Call to Fund ‘Democracy Dollars’ Program
“We know that we’re in a city up against some major issues like housing and homelessness. The streets and infrastructure in the city haven’t been taken care of by previous administrations. In order to have those in place, we need elected officials in office who are really willing to listen to the community, and democracy dollars was going to be the program that would help us.”

Oakland Community Leaders Unite in Support of a “People’s Budget” That Invests in Real Community Safety
Broad “People’s Budget” coalition demands investment in housing, arts, jobs, youth programs, and violence prevention instead of proposed increase in police spending. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACTS: Lance Wilson, (341) 203-0888, ...

Social Justice coalition commends DA Price for progress on the People’s 100-day Agenda
“This is the boldest policy in the country that seeks to end excessive punishment and incarceration. Research has shown time and again that prolonged incarceration does not improve public safety, and actually increases recidivism. This policy seeks to end racist sentencing enhancements that have been applied almost exclusively to Black and Brown people” ” said Yoel Haile, Director of the Criminal Justice Program at the ACLU of Northern California.

Attacks on DA Price unfounded, attempts by police and media to engage in a disinformation campaign is action against the people’s referendum on status quo
As communities most impacted by violence and incarceration, we deeply feel the pain of losing loved ones and extend our deepest sympathies to the families of these recent tragedies. All stakeholders should be working hard to provide the victim’s families with the services and support they need and work to prevent tragedies like these from happening again to other families. Pro-Tenant Groups, Landlords Mobilize Over City Eviction Moratorium: Oakland City Council prepares timeline to phase out eviction protections
Defending the moratorium or calling for its gradual phasing out were several pro-tenant organizations. Oakland Rising put out a call on social media for tenant supporters to attend the council meeting to speak in favor of renter protections. “It’s time to...

Civil Rights Groups Heartbroken and Enraged at Fourth Life Lost at Santa Rita Jail in Six weeks
“We know, and it has been proven, that throwing more money and resources at Santa Rita Jail and ACSO is not a solution. The only solution is to divest from the ACSO and SRJ and put those resources back into the community. People deserve to be met with social services, affirming care, and support.”

KTVU.COM: 4th person to die at Santa Rita Jail in 6 weeks
“We are heartbroken and enraged to hear of yet another death related to Santa Rita Jail, the deadliest place in Alameda County,” the groups said in a statement. “For years, advocates have called out the level of abuse, neglect, death, and cruel punishment inside Santa Rita Jail. We have stood alongside families who have lost loved ones at the hands of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office and called for transparency, diversion, and accountability — yet these calls have been met with silence.”

Civil Rights Groups Applaud Alameda County District Attorney’s Directive to Limit Use of Sentence Enhancements
“Sentence enhancements shift local & state funds away from desperately needed community services and put significant financial burdens on taxpayers and families statewide—each additional year in prison costs over $106,131 per person. The Alameda County District Attorney’s guidance will save the county money and allow for reinvestments in community resources, housing, education, healthcare, and more.”

Press Release: Statement Condemns Attacks on Local Leaders
An alliance of community, faith, housing, labor and Progressive Black leaders issued a statement supporting Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao’s decision to part ways with embattled Police Chief Leronne Armstrong. The statement cited a need to move past the “long shadow of Federal Oversight, scandal and cover up” that has plagued the Oakland Police Department “into an era of accountability and transparency.”

Criminal Justice Advocates commend DA Price for keeping campaign promises, signal more needs to be done
Oakland, CA – District Attorney Pamela Price’s administration announced the creation of the Public Accountability Unit, and that they would reopen cases of eight officer-involved shootings and in-custody deaths for further review to determine whether charges should be filed or not. These include the murders of Cody Chavez in 2022, Mario Gonzalez in 2021, Agustin Gonsalez in 2018 and Andrew Moppin-Buckskin in 2007.

SLUDGE.COM: Oakland Voters Approve ‘Democracy Dollars’ Program to Boost Participation in City Elections
An Oakland ballot measure creating a public campaign financing option and strengthening transparency in election spending passed with strong support. “For too long, our elections have been funded by wealthy special interests and out-of-state donors,” said liz suk,...

SF Chronicle: This under-the-radar measure passed by voters could reshape Oakland elections
“It has increased participation in lesser areas in Seattle, and voter turnout from communities of color” and in traditionally low-turnout areas, said Liz Suk, executive director of Oakland Rising, one of the groups that sponsored Measure W. “The way folks are campaigning has changed.”

Hard Knock Radio: MIDTERM ELECTION RESULTS – Davey D with Guest liz suk
Davey D talks with liz suk of Oakland Rising about the results of the Oakland election and how to hold those coming into office accountable. Listen to the conversation.

Voters overwhelmingly approved Measure W in Oakland today, signaling a desire for a more participatory, responsive, and accountable local democracy. With anti-democratic forces on the march around the nation, Oakland is pushing back. Measure W creates a Democracy Dollars program to revolutionize campaign financing for local elections. It will enable all eligible Oaklanders to receive four $25 vouchers to support local political candidates of their choice, making every household a potential donor household and bringing power back to the people.

Statement on Measure T from Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas & the Invest In Our Oakland Coalition
With the passage of Measure T, we’ve taken a significant step towards addressing this lack of investment and creating equity for small businesses.

An Oakland Ballot Initiative That Could Inspire The Nation
“Measure W is a way that local leaders and local organizations – like CA Common Cause and Oakland Rising – can begin to show people that leadership begins at the grassroots level. We are going to build a better democracy in our city and we’re going to build from there.”
Oakland Measure W: The Fair Elections Act
A recent survey of potential voters found that many Oakland residents don’t donate to local campaigns because they simply can’t afford it. And in 2014 and 2016, 93% of election contributions came from less than 1% of the city’s population. That’s according to the equity organization Oakland Rising, which is one of the supporters of Measure W.

74% of registered voters favor the transparency and good governance ballot measure.
570 14th Street, Suite 1
Oakland, CA 94612
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