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It’s almost Election Day and we’ve gotta make sure everyone VOTES!
Oakland Rising is running 2 GOTV walks – on Saturday, June 5th and Tuesday, June 8th (Election Day). We’ll be knocking on the doors of voters in the flatlands who support our agenda, but who don’t always vote. Although this election is unremarkable, it does have high consequences for low-income communities and communities of color. We want to make sure that the voices of our communities are HEARD – because we know that EVERY VOTE COUNTS! And we know that going door-to-door, talking face-to-face with our folks is the best way to make sure they turn out to cast a vote.
So come out with us on Saturday and/or Tuesday, get some sunshine, talk to your neighbors, eat some food, and show your love for The Town!
Saturday, June 5th – be there at 10am!
10am – 2pm at Causa Justa::Just Cause, 3463 San Pablo Ave @ 35th St.
Election Day, Tuesday, June 8th – come anytime and we’ll get you out on the doors!
3pm – 8pm at Causa Justa::Just Cause, 3463 San Pablo Ave @ 35th St.
RSVP please: Jessamyn@OaklandRising.org or 415-424-2600
We request RSVPs so we can make sure we have enough walk lists and food for everyone to participate. Can’t wait to see you!