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My name is Lanese Martin and I’m with Oakland Rising and I support the Millionaire’s Tax. 

As a kid, growing up with an older brother who had a developmental disability I didn’t really understand what that meant for him especially as he got older. I knew that it meant he went to a different school but I didn’t know what he did there. I remember my parents and family always telling me that when they were gone I had to “take care” of him. As an adult, I now know that as a people we should all take care of each other. The Millionaires Tax is an initiative for the November 2012 ballot that will do just that. 

Cuts to the budget and subsequently, to agencies like the Golden Gate Regional Center, have resulted in my brother’s only source of steady income and support being SSI. Living on this very modest income often times means my brother isn’t able to meet his basic needs such as repairing his eyeglasses or even getting his prescription updated.

I know that all Californians want to live in a state where everyone’s basic needs are met. That is why I support the Millionaire’s Tax. The 6 to 9 billion dollars that the Millionaires Tax will restore to vital services is going to help people like my brother who live on the spectrum of ability. It’s the only initiative on the ballot that is specifically earmarked to generate revenue directly for education, public safety, senior, child and disability services.

To get more information about the Millionaire’s Tax or to support the Millionaires Tax visit the following website: millionairestaxca.com/