Tuesday Lunch Special: Just Recovery Budget with Cat Brooks

Tuesday Lunch Special: Just Recovery Budget with Cat Brooks

Justice Teams Network Executive Director and Anti Police-Terror Project Co-founder, Cat Brooks, joined me today for #TuesdayLunchSpecial to cut the lies and fear being peddled about defunding the police. If you enjoyed this video, please consider donating at...
94.1 KPFA: Reducing funding for policing that is racist and unjust

94.1 KPFA: Reducing funding for policing that is racist and unjust

LISTEN ON KPFA WEBSITE HERE Fast forward to 1:34 Last Thursday, June 24, the Oakland City Council took a major budget vote to reduce the size of a planned increase in police spending and divert resources to non-cop emergency response alternatives, after a year of...
BUDGET WIN! Celebrating years of organizing & collaboration

BUDGET WIN! Celebrating years of organizing & collaboration

by liz sukLast Thursday in a landslide win, City Council voted 6 – 2 to approve City Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas’ proposed budget amendments which include reallocating $18M to fund violence prevention rather than the mayor’s proposed two additional...