By: Jessamyn Sabbag, Deputy Director, Oakland Rising Early in 2013 as the city started to think about how it would undergo this redistricting process, the original proposal was to hire a consultant to look at just 3 districts, and not have much of a public input...
Mercury News Center A marketing campaign to make people aware of the president’s new health care law includes a call center in Oakland and neighborhood canvassing. Follow FollowFollowFollow Contact 510.261.2600 570 14th Street, Suite...
San Jose Mercury News By: Tracy Seipel When she answered her front door the other day, East Oakland resident Cynthia Williams, who’s been unemployed and without medical insurance for nine years, was greeted by a bubbly 25-year-old woman wondering if she’d...
SF Gate By: Becca Andrews In a quick four-minute window in between several other hot-button issues, Map 26 was chosen in the first public hearing for Oakland’s redistricting at last night’s City Council meeting. Map 26, which was submitted by Councilmember Lynette...
The Mercury News By Tracy Seipel When she answered her front door the other day, East Oakland resident Cynthia Williams, who’s been unemployed and without medical insurance for nine years, was greeted by a bubbly 25-year-old woman wondering if she’d heard...